Pop Poppies. Art Series.

My hubby bought me an iPad Pro (with an Apple Pencil) for Christmas this past year and since then I have been painting and doodling and handlettering constantly.
I used to paint a lot- and a few of my paintings still hang in our house. But since moving into our house (not sure why that affected it) I stopped painting so much... then when I got pregnant I decided that for the sake of the nursery I had to give up most of my painting supplies.
The new iPad sparked this brand new, refreshed joy of painting in me. I mean... I don't have to set up anything. I don't have to clean up after. I can start and stop with zero worry about paint drying or not drying.
Now I want to share it all. When I was younger I was so scared to share any of my paintings or doodles with anyone- and I'm tired of being scared. Art is art. You connect with it or you don't. I'm okay with that.
So here's my first new little series and... I call it Pop Poppies.
flower pot | shop
rock garden | shop

water fountain | shop