Hello April! Downloadable Calendar Freebie.
Hello April! And hello free April 2019 calendar. Spring is definitely here in Denver- meaning one day its 70 degrees outside and then the next day it's not even 40 degrees and snows. Anyone else
This spring is bringing lots of change for me. I haven't always handled change well in the past- but I'm feeling a bit
My office is gearing up to move to a brand new building. It was going to happen in March... but it didn't. *shrug* It's going to be a whole new commute that might be a little bit icky- but the building itself is amazing.
Plus- my time in Michigan made it clear that we will be saying goodbye to my grandma soon. It's a hard fact to face and another change to my life... but the catch is that she is ready. She's tired and has lived a beautiful life. I feel strongly that this is part of the beauty of everything- the grief and the letting go.
Baby girl is growing (still... always... too fast). She's eating more solid foods now- sweet potato, green beans, peas, and squash. We are now giving her two solid feedings a day- at her lunchtime feeding and her dinner time feeding. Still no teeth (not complaining). She sits so confidently now and loves to sit in front of her toy box and pull everything out by herself (she wants you nearby- but she wants to do it by herself).
Life is still good. And as always I hope that life is good for you too.
Click through for the download links. I have added a new size for the desktop options (get excited those of you with hi-res screens). As always FYI- they are just images that you just save to your device to then make your wallpaper. :)
Free April 2019 Downloads

• Free April 2019 Wallpaper •
Calendar | Quote | Pattern
Calendar | Quote | Pattern
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NOTE: Feel free to download for your own personal use, but you may not reproduce, re-create or sell in any way. I’d be grateful and delighted if you share on your own blog, but please direct your readers to this post to download the file.