Hello January! Hello 2019! Downloadable Calendar Freebie.

Hello two-thousand nineteen! Goodbye two-thousand eighteen! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and welcomed in the new year with family and friends. We celebrated our first Christmas as a family of three and are excited for what this new year brings. It has been pretty awesome to watch her grow and develop these past four months.
I'm looking forward to maybe a less eventful year? But hopefully one super full. This little baby girl of mine has just brought so much more into our lives- watching her grow seems like the perfect plan for this year. On the professional front- my work is moving to a brand new building in a whole new location which brings a whole slew of changes of course- new commute and routine (still doesn't feel as eventful as having a baby- so its still be categorized as just a 'little' event).
I'm going to try to post a little bit more- I kind of miss this little blog. The psuedo-break was nice while I was pregnant- but now I'm ready to play around here more again.
On that note- I have a brand new style of downloadable wallpapers for the new year. I'm rather proud of myself for getting this ready (relatively) on time- it helped to have down time over the holidays and lots of family around to help with sweet baby girl. I hope you like my new style I'm playing with- but I have a simplier style available as well if you want less confetti. So there are even more options available now. :)

Click through for the download links. Oh and FYI- someone asked me if these would work on their Android device and I'm pretty sure they will- they are just images that you can save to your device to then make your wallpaper. :)
Free January 2019 Downloads
[su_row][su_column size="1/3"]
• Free January 2019 Wallpaper • Desktop
Calendar | Quote | PatternSimple Calendar | Simple Quote
Calendar | Quote | PatternSimple Calendar | Simple Quote[/su_column][su_column size="1/3"]
• Free January 2018 Wallpaper • Tablet
Calendar | Quote | PatternSimple Calendar | Simple Quote[/su_column][su_column size="1/3"]
• Free January 2019 Wallpaper • iPhone
iPhone 8
Calendar | Quote | PatternSimple Calendar | Simple Quote
iPhone X
Calendar | Quote | PatternSimple Calendar | Simple Quote[/su_column][/su_row]
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NOTE: Feel free to download for your own personal use, but you may not reproduce, re-create or sell in any way. I’d be grateful and delighted if you share on your own blog, but please direct your readers to this post to download the file.