This and That. Out in the World with You.

Happy Friday everyone! This was the weirdest week ever- Monday and Tuesday seemed to drag by... then I hit Wednesday and I blinked and it was suddenly Friday. Normally I feel like weeks are either collectively slow... or collectively fast. Not this week though.Next week my hubby leaves for a work trip- which is not my favorite... but part of life. :) Let's distract ourselves with these cool links.2016_0219_thisandthatone  |  i fell like being out in the world with you  //  via my handwritingtwo  | vintage gold lalibella loafer  //  via ssekothree  |  the cutest little toast plate ever  //  via etsy | charlotte meifour  | free valentine wrapping paper  //  via baba soukfive  |  this lovely, honest instagram feed   //  via newdarlingssix  |  five simple stretches to help with a better night's sleep  //  via clementine dailySEVEN  |  apple fights the fbi to protect consumer's privacy  //  via apple


Shopping Cleanse. All Wrapped Up.


Whole30 Cleanse. All Wrapped Up.