My 2016 Reading List
Books have always been a big deal in my life- I read really really fast. When I was in Junior High I spent every moment I could spare in the library and I usually read through one in a night or so. I don't read quite that much anymore because I have to cook dinner and do laundry and watching tv distracts me. On top of that I married a reader- my hubby reads all the time and usually have three or four books going at the same time. Needless to say we have quite the collection of books.I've never really had a specific reading list at the beginning of the year. In years past I have just said -I want to read so many books in 2015. So I usually pick up whatever looks interesting or good to me and go from there. Oddly enough though last year I picked up a few books more than I read- so this year I actually have a reading list (that is actually a reading stack on my nightstand).
A couple of the ones on my list I have already started- just want to make sure I finish them. Others I have read before and feel the need to reread them. The rest are all ones that I purchased and just never sat down and read them... but I keep pulling it out of my bookshelf to look at it and think on how much I want to read it (is that weird?).This list is not exhaustible for the year. It is sure to grow through out the year- as my husband can't walk past a book store without going in and we always end up finding something interesting to grab. I feel like it is a great starting point though.
1. The Whole 30
by Melissa Hartwig & Dallas Hartwig
rereadThis is a little bit of a weird one for my reading list for a couple reasons. First, I've already read it. Second, I've already started my first Whole30. Third, its predominantly a cook book in my eyes.While I read the book in prep for my Whole30, I feel like it would be beneficial to read it again. I'm constantly referring back to it and still feel a little bit unprepared for what I'm doing. Now that I'm experiencing the diet I think will know better what to pay more attention to as I read through it. There is another book to go with this one talks more about the science of Whole30. I haven't read that book- and I'm still deciding if I want to (we'll see).Shop

2. The Body Book
by Cameron Diaz with Sandra Bark
already startedThis book caught my eye several times in the stores- but I always felt kind of silly picking it up. Really? Cameron Diaz wants to give me holistic body and health advice? At one point I just said screw it- I'm reading it.Honestly- I a little surprised by it. It is more science-y than I expected. I haven't finished it yet- its kind of a long read and feels a bit like a textbook. But it has refreshing book to pop open and not be told that I don't have to give up any particular foods- but instead explained what the body needs from each food group and what it gets from others. I like that it pushes moderation and more movement in life.It is offering me a lot of good information about the complexity and beauty of the human body (very specifically the female body) which I really appreciate.Shop

3. Big Magic
by Elizabeth Gilbert
already startedYes- this is the gal who wrote Eat, Pray, Love... and honestly, no I haven't read that book (my husband has though- and it is on my radar rest assured). My hubby saw this book at the store not long after he finished reading Eat, Pray, Love. He pointed the book out and absently told me that Elizabeth Gilbert speaks my language completely. Intrigued by his analysis of her writing- I picked it up.I have already started this book and I am nearly half way through- but I forgot to pack it when we left for the Christmas holiday so I didn't finish it before the new year.It really is a fascinating book that it incredibly easy to read. It talks about the creative process that beckons to all of us in different ways- but usually in fleeting and fickle ways. Creativity has to be nurtured and cared for- but doesn't have to be a slave driver in your life. Gilbert stresses that creativity is a fulfilling part of life- and to not expect anything of it. You don't have to be brilliant at something to be creative- just curious and a little brave.So far- I love it.Shop

4. The Gifts of Imperfection
by Brené Brown
rereadI have already read this... but it was such a moving read for me that I feel like I should read it again after the year I had last year. I need a refresher. Plus- I'm a huge fan of Brené Brown.It is a fast read but holds a lot of power in it. The idea that if I look perfect and act perfect, everything will be perfect is this powerful message that we get from society. Striving to keep that perfect front up builds up fears about people seeing past the facade to the real very imperfect you. Brown uses her vast knowledge of shame, authenticity, and belonging to help you move from the thought process from 'what if I'm not enough' to 'I am enough.'Wonderful book. I highly recommend it.Shop

5. The Opposite of Loneliness
by Marina Keegan
brand newOh here we go- this is the first one that I haven't even started it. I bought super spur of the moment- didn't even read the back of book. Something just seemed super interesting about it. Then I learned that Marina Keegan- the author of all the essays and short stories had died tragically right after graduating from college.I'm not sure how to try to synopsis up what I've read about this book- only that it is a tragically wonderful collection of work about hope, uncertainty and possibly. We shall see what this book has to offer.Shop

6. The Paris Wife
by Paula McLain
brand newThis story is a fiction about Ernest Hemingway and his first wife Hadley Richardson- set against the backdrop of 1920's Paris. This is another brand new one that I can't offer any personal thoughts about- other than I have seen this one sitting on the best-seller shelf a lot (doesn't it have a lovely cover?). I always thought to pick it up... but just never did until last year.Shop

7. Death Comes to Pemberly
by P. D. Jame
brand newHonestly- a murder mystery set to be the prequel of Pride and Prejudice is not usually my style (but I will read Pride & Prejudice and Zombies any day). This I found at the used bookstore right next to our condo that my husband adores... it was a good price and I felt like shaking it up.I thought this could be a fun lighthearted read- nothing very deep or over the top. Again- we'll see.Shop

8. The Martian
by Andy Weir
already startedThis a wonderful book- at least so far it is. My hubby and I are reading it together (he reads it out loud to me... cause you know- we can be nauseatingly cute). We are loving it. We haven't seen the movie yet for it as he wants to finish the book first.The book feels real and possible and very modern. Plus, it is clever and funny and strangely relatable. My hubby is loving the fully fleshed out and (I think) accurate science behind it all. If it keeps going a this pace- it is a wonderful book that I highly recommend.Shop

9. Rising Strong
by Brené Brown
brand newTwo Brené Brown books in one list... sorry, kind of. This is a brand new one from her so I haven't read it yet... but I did buy the moment I saw it pop up on book stands.This book sounds awesome and a little scary- as it is about failing and getting back up and handling that experience in positive ways. Brown says the truth of- 'When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write the ending.'Shop