Learning Hand Lettering with Skillshare.
I'm going way outside my comfort zone and showing you something that I am in progress with... several of my practice pieces and mistakes. I'm still working on trying to break out of my perfectionist ways. So I'm showing you something far from perfect- some of my hand lettering practice sheets. You're getting a little sneak peak into some new things coming to the blog. :)I've always always loved the look of hand lettering... whether it was traditional calligraphy or just all out artistic, unique lettering. So a month or so ago I bought these awesome water color pens and this ink to jump into it. (which may I say...) I love these pens. You can fill them up with different colors using gauche or watercolor paints. Plus you control the consistency with how much or how little water to mix in the ink. Fantastic.Then after some playing... I decided I wanted a little instruction. While I was having fun just playing around I felt like maybe I could use a little guidance on how to really get into it and do it well. After doing a little looking around I decided to try out Skillshare.Skillshare is this great collection of creatives sharing their knowledge- painters, graphic designers, photographers, bloggers, knitters... etc. You can sign up for free to get access to a selection of their courses or pay about ten dollars a month for full access to their course as well as the ability to stream them on your mobile devices.I love this statement I found on their website :
We believe that everyone is creative, and that giving people tools to harness their creative power has the potential to change lives for the better. Not creativity defined as an artist but creativity defined as a mindset, as a mental toolkit, as a set of building blocks, as a way of solving problems, and as a means to live a more interesting life.That's why our mission is to unlock the world's creativity. Doing so helps people live adventurously and create really great things. We're dismantling the traditional barriers to learning so that anyone, anywhere in the world, can learn whatever they set their minds to.
At this point- I have gone through one full hand lettering course and started another one. It has been great so far- I love the fact that they are lessons coming from professionals in the field AND that it is pretty low commitment. No grades or tight deadlines on assignments. It is just me working at my pace and my comfort level.I highly recommend you try it out. What's nice is that you can jump into the free version first with no commitment and see if you like it before you pay anything.Check Out Skillshare
Check out the lessons I've taken and am currently taking.
Hand-Lettering Basics
by Brit + Co
The Golden Secrets of Hand-Lettering:Create the Perfect Postcard
by Martina Flor
Check Out Skillshare*Please note that I received no compensation for this post.