Let Yourself Be Flawed.
I'm a recovering perfectionist... have I talked about this? I'm not talking about a healthy self-motivation like 'perfectionism.' It is okay to not settle for less or to expect great things from yourself. I'm talking about the fact that I would rather not do something at all if I can't do it perfectly... I'm talking about the way I shy away from anything that I am not confidant I can do perfectly... I'm talking about how I get a little obsessed when something I do doesn't come out perfect.I know it sounds little bit like a joke to throwing out a term "recovering perfectionist" but its not really. There are some pretty intense consequences to my perfectionist ways- the worst being that it feeds my anxiety issues like... like Marie Barone feeds her family... from Everybody Loves Raymond. My husband loves that show. I've seen every episode like... ten times. But I digress.In a more obvious and frustrating way... my perfectionism has limited things that I have tried in the past. There were so many things that I've wanted to try but never did merely because I was sure that I would fail at it... Last year I felt compelled to try something that I was always afraid to try for that very reason. Sewing.I've starting sewing a little bit... trying to build up a little bit of a skill so that it is useful. It has been a hard little journey though- because I'm not great at it. I'm not perfect at it. So while my perfectionist freaks out every time I make a wrong stitch... I'm immensely enjoying the little successes and the overall process of making things with my own hands. I'm feeling pretty empowered over telling that perfectionist voice to just shut up and let me learn.It is so OKAY that I am not a great seamstress right now. I've only been doing it a few months (and not very consistently these past few months). It is okay to be flawed.One of the most powerful things that I learned through my therapy and healing process is the simple act of practicing something powerful on something little. Learning how to let myself be okay with not being great at sewing -letting myself be flawed- gives me the tools and the practice and the strength to battle my perfectionism in the other areas of my life.
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