Found. Spring DIYs.

It is the first day of spring and my first day back from Michigan! I'm back to work and missing my family back there- but I'm pretty happy to be back with my hubby. :)I've gathered up some fun and springy diy projects to bring in the bright new season. Honestly- spring can be a little weird here in Colorado. We will get surprise snow storms followed by super warm days and high winds the entire time. Luckily any spring snow storms are melted away soon after they happen. They are strange all the same.I'm ready for spring though! Let's bring on the flowers and green!2014_0320_found_springdiy1   //  2  //  3  //  4  //  5  //  6  //  7  //  8  //  9  //  10  //  11

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Happy Saint Patrick's Day!