Last year I set up some goals for myself to try to accomplish through the year... I completed only half of them. I don't care though cause my goals don't end or get marked as failed the moment that the clock struck midnight on December thirty-first. They are still goals and I am still aspiring toward them.I have read a couple places that it is not healthy or productive to set up goals for yourself. They argument is that when you focus solely on an end goal you usually sacrifice contentment along the way- which I understand. I struggle with being content with what I currently have and goals are this excuse I use to give reasons why I can't be happy with myself. I think that is more a commentary on my lack of self-esteem and peace.I believe though that acknowledging your goals is a powerful thing. Being content with what you have and not having any goals are two totally different things. I have found incredible contentment in the idea that I am always getting better. Today I am better than I was yesterday. Tomorrow I will better than I am today. Today I am at peace with what I did yesterday and hopeful for what I will do tomorrow.How will I know where I have been and where I am going if I don't acknowledge my goals? So here are my goals for this next year. :D
1 | cook at home five times a weekMy hubby and I are enacting a stricter cash budget for shopping and restaurants... so financially I want to cut back on going out to eat. Honestly though... I would love to be more comfortable with cooking in a meal in the kitchen.2 | live mindfullyThis is really the big one- but I can't really set a quantitative value to this one. My therapist has been teaching me mindfulness to help with my anxiety. Already I have see the benefits- but it is a constant and gratifying process that you never perfect entirely I think.3 | read four new booksDid this last year and the year before. I love to read and just like to have a little bench mark to inspire me to read more.4 | exercise five times a weekMy doctor told me he would like me to be exercising five times a week for thirty minutes... so that's my goal. My husband gave me an ultimatum about a month ago to either go to the gym or cancel my membership (stricter budget thing) so I started going. So far I'm feeling good about it... I must keep going though.5 | sew three projectsI received an old sewing machine for free a couple months ago and started playing around with it. It was so much fun that I would love to sew more and get more comfortable with it- so I have a little bench mark for inspiration.6 | organize my spare roomActually its is my spare room/office closet that needs the work. I just keep stuffing things into and I want to stop myself and organize it before it gets out of hand.7 | practice my piano five times a weekI set a really loose goal about my piano last year and it only went okay... so this year I creating a bench mark (again for inspiration and) to give me something to really strive to accomplish.8 | paint three piecesI used to paint all the time when I was in high school... but lost access to the little studio I would paint at when I went to college. It doesn't have to be grand or a masterpiece. I just miss painting a lot.9 | set up my etsy shopI have always wanted to sell my own wedding stationary... honestly this my change just a bit (like I may decide to use a different site to sell it on). In the end though I really want people to be able to purchase my own designs. :)10 | make prayer my defaultThis is also connected to my therapy and a biggie. I really just want to get into the habit where I default to praying when I face something (anything).