Dressember for IJM.

2013_1201_dressemberWhen I was a little girl... little little (like kindergarten age and younger roughly) I was obsessed with dresses. I would cry whenever my mother would try to put me in pants and my mom would tell me that one day I will prefer pants over dresses... and I of course didn't believe her.I have since done as my mother said I would and have switched to almost exclusively wearing pants (jeans... skinny jeans specifically). I have been trying to wear more in my closet though... so I have pulled out a dress every once in a while... the first time I did though one of my coworkers asked me what the occasion was (and since I was in a black dress) and said he hoped it wasn't a funeral. Hm... so yeah I guess I don't really wear dresses all that often.Last week though I heard about Dressember- which is a bit like No Shave November. Watch the video for more info. :D

Dressember is a month of dresses! Thousands of dresses are adorned around the globe during the month of December each year. Through Dressember, vital funds are raised for International Justice Mission, a human rights organization that works to combat human trafficking and end sexual slavery.Did you know 27 million people are currently trapped in slavery? That's more than during the entire course of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. I'm participating in Dressember, a month of dresses, to help International Justice Mission end modern-day slavery.

So I'm going to challenge myself to wear only dresses (you can repeat dresses and style them different each time) during December in support Dressember's mission too embrace feminity, reclaim beauty, and restore dignity and value to women all over the world through IJM. You can follow me on Instagram to see my outfits all month.You can participate too either by wearing dresses for the rest of the month or sponsoring someone who is (like me)! :)    Learn More About Dressember


Authentic Eclectic Brooklyn Dwelling.


Christmas Lights Weekend Mixtape.