Holiday Gift Guide. Sustainable for Her.
The holidays are absolutely (without any doubt) my favorite time of the year. I love the festive feeling and the whole of idea of joy and hope and love and the gift of Christ becoming a child for us. I love picking out and wrapping and giving gifts- it gives me such a rush.I hear a lot about how commercialism has ruined Christmas... which I can see someone's point when they say that. I worked at an Apple store for a couple years and the horrors I saw in the shape of human forms was incredible. I've had people refuse to stand in line, and scream, and curse at me... Heavens once someone even threw their newly purchased iPod at me (I can't remember why... something about the plastic wrap around the box being torn I think?). Overall... I can definitely see how someone faith in humanity would be a lost a little bit after that.But I firmly believe though that I can still give people gifts and not make it all about the gifts and the spending and the money and the stuff. There are a few things I do to help keep my focus on the true and wonderful meaning of Christmas- but I'm going to keep this short and just give you one way I try to keep the holidays and gift giving more about the joy and hope and love.I try to purchase items that are sustainable- and I don't just mean for the environment... but for society. I try to find socially responsible gifts that are fair trade and slave free. So this gift list for her is all about gifts that (from some research) are as socially responsible as I could find. :)
1. Jazelle Earrings . $48.00 / 2. Ugandan Organic Waxcloth Clutch . $20.00 / 3. Rhombi II Earrings . $78.00 / 4. Recycled Stakeboard G-Metric Necklace . $28.00 / 5. The Emerald City Necklace . $68.00 / 6. Gold Bar Bracelet in Dark Grey . $20.00 / 7. Bambi Opal Scarf . $125.00 / 8. Global Connections Bracelet . $10.00 / 9. The Gatsby Necklace . $29.00 / 10. Pacific Blue Marina Sunglasses . $85.00 / 11. Gold Arrow Necklace . $24.00