Hank Bought A Bus.
Oh my goodness - do I have a unique and extra cool dwelling space for you.I hated the school bus... but this one is pretty fantastic to the point that I forgetting about my original distain from my youth. I think this is an incredible project that Architecture grad student Hank Butitta took on for a mere $9000. It's pretty hard to not be amazed at this with everything considered. You should check out his travels and all the fun details about his bus on his blog - Hank Bought a Bus. It really makes me want to find a tiny little cabin in the mountains somewhere and renovate it to a super space and energy efficient place where my husband and I can experiment with living in a ridiculously small amount of space (like those crazy sample homes at IKEA... he thinks those are awesome).On a side note while I don't know how you feel about hipsters- I will say that this whole project of the converted bus into a traveling home brings one word to mind initially (well second word to unique) is hipster. This- my friends- feels like the hipster way of RVing across country. And for the record I'm a-okay with hipsters.OH! And some of these photos are animated gifs... so give everything a second to load so you can see the way the bus functions as a flexible space.
photos via Justin Evidon via Hank Bought a Bus