Freebie. Here Comes November.
Sooo... Where in the world did October go? I can't believe today is Halloween (yeah... this post is kind of a day early... but I didn't want to give up Pinterest Friday and I didn't want to have to wait a week into November to give this to you). I'm very ready though for November! I absolutely love November and December. December is still number one by quite a bit... but November is wonderful too.I love Thanksgiving and the idea of being activitely grateful and full of thanksgiving... and I absolutely love that we have a holiday that celebrates that idea. Gratitude changes everything.
Unlike last time I actually have FOUR options for you since I stumbled across a Emerson quote I love... and couldn't give up on the gratitude quote- just like last time though there is one with the November calendar and one with just the pattern on top of the two different quotes. :) You may download all four for each device or just one. Your choice.
November Calendar Wallpaper
1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPhone
November Gratitude Quote Wallpaper1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPhone
NOVEMBER EMERSON QUOTE WALLPAPER1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPhone
November Pattern Wallpaper1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPhone