Thrifty Refashion : New Lengths
I am a big fan of consignment store shopping... and I do prefer consignment stores or thrift stores for a couple reasons (but I'll probably get into that in a different post). Anyways- my favorite consignment is just a short walk from my apartment and is unbelievably cute. It feels like a little boutique more than a consignment/thrift/secondhand store.The other day while I was there I found an almost perfect find. I have been looking for a simple, turquoise bead necklace in a pretty particular shade of turquoise... and there is was sitting in my favorite consignment store for only three dollars... yes THREE dollars. It had one little flaw though- it was much shorter than I wanted it to be. I snatched it up anyway because here is the deal- I can add length to the necklace to make it exactly the length I want it and it is pretty easy.
one // too short necklacetwo // wire cuttersthree // needle nose pliersfour // jewelry chain
Step 1 : With your needle nose pliers carefully remove the hardware from the necklace. I like to reuse the hardware cause it makes the whole process a little faster and cheaper- hence the emphasis on carefully. You don't want to ruin the hardware (unless you want to you new hardware- which is a very viable option).Step 2 : Measure out how long you want your necklace to be when it is all completed and (using the wire cutters) cut two equal pieces from your length of jewelry chain to add up to that length. For example: I wanted my sixteen inch necklace to become a twenty-six inch necklace- so I cut two pieces from the chain that were five inches long. (26-16=10, 10÷2=5)**Keep in mind that your hardware adds length to your necklace so be sure to measure that as well if it is a particularly large clasp. Step 3 : Using the needle nose pliers attached the hardware onto your two pieces of chain- pretty simple. Remeasure (and recut with the wire cutters if necessary) if you after a very particular necklace size now that your hardware is on- but if you aren't too worried about the exact length of the necklace proceed to the next step.Step 4 : Attach the extended pieces of hardware to your necklace and voila! Enjoy!