Etsy Find : Valentine Cards
I love card shopping... and I'm honestly not sure if that makes me weird or not. My husband doesn't understand how it is even possible that I could enjoy shopping for cards, but I do. I particularly love it around Valentine's Day- when I get to find something fun, sexy, or romantic (or all three) for my handsome hubby (who doesn't always get me). :DOf course the only thing I don't like about card shopping is that it can get kind of uncomfortable- not like "oh I'm embarrassed to be reading this card in public" but more of a "I have sitting on the super comfortable floor of Target for fifteen minutes now reading all these cards... and my bum is starting to hurt." I'm being totally serious - when I am shopping for cards I usually end up sitting on the floor of Target reading all the cards in sit. That might be part of the reason my husband doesn't like to go card shopping with me because he becomes uncomfortable in an embarrassed way "My wife is just sitting on the floor of Target and doesn't care that people are staring at her."Wow... sorry... ramble. Unnecessarily long story short... I like shopping for valentine cards online because I get to sit on a chair and read them instead of a hard floor. Currently I'm loving these cute and sweet Valentine Cards from CarolineMcgahDesign.
lovely source: CarolineMcgahDesign Etsy Shop