sometimes a girl likes a little instruction

I have a quick post for you today- sorry busy weekend! :)I am a pretty low maintenance girl when it comes to make up. Usually I put on my daily moisturizer, a little mineral powder, and then my mascara. That's it really. Sometimes though there are events and specials things that come up that I like to add a little more 'umph' (like weddings, nice dinners, maybe date night with the hubby, shrug, etc.). Since I don't really wear makeup much and don't have a go-to nice evening look- I have a few sites that I go to for inspiration and tutorials. I thought I would share my two favorites.

I love the beauty department for their fun photography and very unique ideas. I find all sorts of great ideas for my nails and makeup here (my hair is usually too short to do much with it).

Lisa Elbridge (she an amazing professional make-up artist) has a wonderful collection of make-up videos- for pretty much ever look under the sun. :)

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awesome brassiere find


pinterest finds friday. keep going.