pinterest finds friday. dream home.

I found a picture on pinterest that was like my dream home picture. Have you ever had one of those- where you just see exactly what you want your house to look like? Maybe I really struck me since my hubby and I have started talking a little more about own our own home (it won't be for a few years), and we are really liking the idea of designing and building our own home. :D How awesome would that be?Well- it inspired a 'dream home' pinterest finds friday. Happy Friday everyone!

1. i love the loft bedroom feel, the brick wall, the color palettefound here2. white, clean, fresh looking kitchen found here3. this is 'that' photo. I love this- the openness, wood and iron stairs, the windows. <3 found here4. the coolest tub ever found here5. a cozy, comfortable living room found here- What's stopping you? (That's right. Nothing.) -

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