packing light
I have to work on this- packing light. I'm a bit of a worrier and I really over think things... which becomes super apparent when I am packing. I really am working on it though.When I pack for my husband though- I am the master. (He is the master and deciding what he needs and what he doesn't need... he doesn't stress out about all the different variables like I do). He gives me what he needs packed and I figure out the best way to pack it. I just packed his week supply of clothing and essentials in our smallest carry-on bag and I will be honest with you... I didn't think I could do it. He had a lot of things he needed packed into that small bag.I was inspired to share my tips and thoughts on how I pack for my hubby (now if only I could not feel the need to pack half my closet and my entire bathroom when I travel... silly me).

Packing Tips
Folding vs Not Folding : have you ever noticed that things don't seem to fight as well at the end of your trip? are all your items folded now that you have worn them? probably not. When things are jumbled and just tossed into a bag they take up more space... literally clothes trap more air which takes up space when they aren't folded. so be sure to fold things as smoothly as possibleBundling : this is just a step up from folding... bundling means folding items together (instead of each shirt and pair of pants being folded on its own and stacked one on top of the other). Depending on the circumstances, I either pack every piece of clothing together in one pile OR I just pack all the shirts together in one pile (and pants rolled as tightly as possible individually). If I have more space to work with I just bundle the shirts and roll the pants (this is completely personal preference). *I unfortunately forgot to take pictures when I was packing my husband's bag - these two sites give good visual examples of what bundling packing is. Bundle Packing - One Stop and OneBag.comPacking Cubes : when I pack undergarments and socks (I fold them of course) and pack them all in a packing cube so they're contained and have no chance of getting separated. Now- you don't have to go out and buy packing cubes specifically if you do not want to- before I used packing cubes I would just use lightweight bags I had around the house (even ziplock bags work). **Some people I know prefer using just packing cubes instead of the bundling technique- which is also a very effective way to pack. For this to work the best though, you should find actually packing cubes. They're shaped to fit into suitcases the best. They're pretty easy to find. :)Fill the Space : utilize as much of the space as possible- if you're pack tennis shoes use the inside of the shoes to pack smaller item (I like to put my perfume bottle in a small bag and slip it in one of my running shoes which protects the glass - if I'm checking luggage). Fill the different spaces around your clothes with your charging cords, shoes, and so on. It should feel a little like a puzzle. :)Liquids : remember the 3-1-1 liquid policy is still very much in effect when you are doing carry-on. so when packing liquids choose a hefty freezer ziplock bag (remember quart size if you are going with a checked bag) as liquids are prone to leaking with going through several different changes in air pressure and the freezer bags do a much better job of containing leaking liquids. also be sure to keep your quart size bag in a very accessible area in your bag - in the front pocket ... not in with all your other items.Please share any tips you may have!