My hair is naturally super curly... and I hated it until about a year or so ago. Then my husband found this book in the bookstore and told me to get it... because he wanted me to love my hair like he loved my hair. :)The book is called Curly Girl: The Handbook and it was written by a stylist in New York, Lorraine Massey, who has gorgeous curls and believes in being beautiful and confident with you naturally are - whether you have curly hair, wavy hair, or 'swavy' hair (straight with a little curl). Here is a cute photo to illustrate (from the DevaCurl website).

On that same note - apart from the book (as a favorite product of mine) - Lorraine Massey developed a line of all natural
hair products. In her book she specifically explains that most
shampoos contain
sulfates (which she refers to as "poo") that is harsh on our hair and on our scalps. Sulfates dry out curly hair specifically which is more prone to being dry anyway (she explains this in depth in the book). She then developed a line of hair products (called DevaCurl) that do not have harsh sulfates, alcohol, and is all natural!I used to use so many different products to manage my curls... shampoo,
conditioner, leave-in conditioner, mousse, gel, hairspray (a little excessive? definitely. but I was desperate to manage my curls). At the end of all the product, my hair would be crispy and crunchy which wasn't all that attractive. On top of all of that- my hair always fell weird where it was a little flat on top and real thick at the bottom (so it kind of looked like a triangle). So I would always use bobby pins to adjust the way it fell but that didn't work very well.So out of desperation to be happy with my hair... I read the entire book and started taking into practice everything she suggested. I can't tell you the difference between my hair before and after. I got a "curly" haircut (which means its a dry cut - HUGE DIFFERENCE just in that). I also now use only four products:
DevaCare No-Poo,
DevaCare One Condition,
Arc AnGEL, and
Set It Free (which is a little like a leave-in conditioner). Plus, I only "cleanse" my hair about once a week (who knew that shampooing my hair everyday was making it frizzy and dry!). There are other amazing products I use every once in a while when I feel like an in-home spa day, but I don't use those in my everyday routine.So the end of this story is... I love my hair just as much as my husband does. :) No there are definitely days I wish I had
straight hair... but every girl wishes for what they don't have at different point right? I don't look in the mirror anymore and hate the way I look because of my curls. :) Do you have an amazing hair product that changed your life?